By Max Wallack
Puzzles to Remember
Today, Solomon Schechter School in Newton Massachusetts donated 200 puzzles to PuzzlesToRemember. The students at the school have been collecting puzzles for about two months leading up to today's donation.
Every year on a Sunday in March, Solomon Schechter School celebrates "Mitzvah Sunday." On this day, the students all engage in some form of community service.
The puzzles donated today will be sent to between 10 and 20 nursing facilities that care for Alzheimer's patients.
Max Wallack is a student at Boston University Academy. His great grandmother, Gertrude Finkelstein, suffered from Alzheimer's disease. Max is the founder of PUZZLES TO REMEMBER , a 501(c.)3 charitable organization. PUZZLES TO REMEMBER is a project that provides puzzles to nursing homes and other institutions that care for Alzheimer's and dementia patients.
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