A lot of new volunteers for my Puzzle Time program view this video which shows them how the program works! I am very excited that we are expanding greatly, especially the Bronx! Please reach out to us at Kidcaregivers@gmail.com to volunteer. Or visit me at www.kidcaregivers.com and fill out a form!
Click below for the link to view it! https://youtu.be/hPLojn8hV0g Read More.....
If you have puzzles that you would like to donate, please contact us at Puzzles2Remember@gmail.com and we will find a location near you where you can bring your puzzles. We can also provide you with a donation letter so that you can claim the value of your puzzles as a tax deduction.
To see a short video from WCVB Ch. 5 "BOSTON STRONG" about Max's efforts on behalf of Alzheimer's patients, click here.
To see a short video about Hailey's Puzzle Time Program, click here.
Tuesday, March 29, 2022
Sunday, March 27, 2022
Podcast Interview on Answers For Elders

Hi Everyone! Please listen to my podcast interview on Answers for Elders! I discuss my role as Executive Director for Puzzles To Remember and my role as Founder and Executive Director of Kid Caregivers (www.kidcaregivers.com) We talk about my roles, what I am presenting doing and what I hope to accomplish! Here is the link:
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Friday, March 25, 2022
Why Did Grandma Leave Her Underwear In the Refrigerator by Dr. Max Wallack (My Mentor!)

I am extremely lucky to have a mentor named Dr. Max Wallack! His great grandma Gertrude and my grandma Ruth both had Alzheimer's disease. Both of us are only children, and we were both CAREGIVERS. That was our bond. Dr. Max graduated from Harvard Medical School, and is now in his medical residency. He wants to be a neuroradiologist. A neuroradiologist studies x-rays, CT scans, MRIs PET scans, etc to see how the brain is doing. They can see early stages of Alzheimer's disease and other issues in the brain, their work is very very important!
Alzheimer's disease you better watch out! Dr. Max Wallack is on the case! Dr. Max wrote the book "Why Did Grandma Leave Her Underwear in the Refrigerator?" to help kids learn about Alzheimer's disease. He based the book on me and my grandmother! Here is a video of me reading the book when I was 7 years old! Click the link to order it! Read More....Posted by Hailey Richman at 10:46 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 24, 2022

A lot of people have asked me how I came up with the name "PUZZLE TIME" for my national and global intergenerational program. Even though I have almost 2000 volunteers I also visit facilities and participate in Puzzle Time because I really do find it rewarding to help others! There is a facility in NYC which houses people who have cerebral palsy (CP) and are deaf. In the olden days people with CP did not live long enough to develop Alzheimer's disease. But due to better medical care they are living longer, and developing dementia. I made friends with a resident named "Bill". He is always excited to see me and my volunteers and Girl Scouts! He used to yell, "its PUZZLE TIME!" when we arrived. I loved the simple name which describes what we are doing; which is solving jigsaw puzzles with Alzheimer's patients for an hour. I am THRILLED to return to the facility on April 2nd! Stay tuned for puzzles! I have a lot of fun ideas!
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Monday, March 21, 2022
RodgerThatShow podcast on May 20th at 3 PM

I am so excited and honored to be an invited guest on the RodgerThatShow. I will be discussing my role as Executive Director for PuzzlesToRemember, my other organization, KidCaregivers (a support platform for caregiving youth) and my national and global PUZZLETIME PROGRAM! Here is a link to the show:
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Friday, March 18, 2022
Girl Scout Earns Bronze Medal From Volunteering for Kid Caregivers

Our Executive Director, Hailey Richman, is also the Founder and Director of Kid Caregivers, a 501c3 nonprofit organization with two missions: to provide intergenerational PUZZLE TIME programs pairing students and seniors for an hour of jigsaw puzzle solving, and support to youth members who are caregivers. Callie distributed 156 care packages with jigsaw puzzles to residents in a nursing home! The next step will be PUZZLE TIME with the Girl Scouts and dementia patients. Thank you Callie!
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Jigsaw Puzzle Solving Helps Metacognitive Development in Kids, so BOTH Alzheimer's patients and kids BENEFIT

Puzzle Time, is a project that I started through my KIDCAREGIVERS organiztion (www.kidcaregivers.com) - it is an intergenerational program of pairing youth members and dementia patients for an hour of jigsaw puzzle solving and it is GROWING! The research shows that when Alzheimer's patients solve puzzles it stimulates their visual cortex (occipital lobe) which improves memory, reduces agitation, improves mood and slows the progression of Alzheimer's disease. But guess what? The science shows that KIDS benefit greatly from solving jigsaw puzzles. So in the long run, PUZZLE TIME is helpful to everyone. It is a WIN-WIN situation. For the science kids out there like me, here is a current article, click here
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Tuesday, March 15, 2022
Global. Youth Service Day April 29-May 1

Good News! Our Executive Director has been selected as a YSA Hershey Heartwarming Hero! For Global Youth Service Day weekend, Hailey and volunteers are going to distribute THOUSANDS of jigsaw puzzles throughout the United States. They are especially placing puzzles in diverse marginalized communities that are underserved! Please reach out to her at Kidcaregivers@gmail.com if you are in need of puzzles and for volunteering opportunities! All student volunteers receive community service credit and chances to win national awards! Thank you to all of our volunteers and Girl Scouts who have spent hours collecting puzzles! Thank you to our Bar/Bat Mitzvah kids who have collected puzzles. Thank you to the generous puzzle companies who have donated puzzles to Kid Caregivers! Thank you to THRED UP consignment company for donating over 12,000 puzzles! Thank you to BETHPAGE FEDERAL CREDIT UNION and Jake Guttman (Long Island Ambassador) Stay Tuned for more updates as we get closer to the date. #bethpagefederalcreditunion #springbok #thredup #kidcaregivers #puzzlestoremember
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Monday, March 7, 2022
Join our Zoom Support Group!

Excited to share my KID CAREGIVERS Zoom support group! There are 1.8 million kids who are acting as caregivers! I was one of them. It is important for kids to know that they are not alone! Let's support each other. Join me and a licensed guidance counselor as we share ways to cope.
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Tuesday, March 1, 2022
Support Zoom Session March 7th at 4 PM

I am very motivated and excited to have our Caregiving Teen/Tween Support Meeting on March 7th at 4:00 PM. It will be a very a very laid back and friendly group. We can all get to know each other, share a bit about ourselves, and offer one another support! Parents are welcome of course! The purpose is to show other kids that we not alone! There are actually 1.8 million of us caregiving kids/tweens/teens out there! We will also have a licensed guidance counselor overseeing everything and offering support! I will be posting a Zoom code shortly!
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