By Max Wallack
Puzzles to Remember
As of today, PuzzlesToRemember has distributed over 28,000 puzzles to over 2,200 Alzheimer's and Assisted Living facilities around the world. PuzzlesToRemember has provided puzzles to all 50 states and to six continents.
Here is a map of places from which people have accessed the PuzzlesToRemember site, just over the last week.
Max Wallack is a student at Boston University and a Research Intern in the Molecular Psychiatry and Aging Laboratory in the Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics at
Boston University School of Medicine. His great grandmother, Gertrude, suffered from
Alzheimer's disease. Max is the founder of PUZZLES TO REMEMBER. PTR is a project that provides puzzles to nursing homes and veterans institutions that care for Alzheimer's and dementia patients.
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